For those that experienced mortgage company transition or sought refuge in a bank during 2008-2009, this is how to enjoy the next recession and grow through it.

During our MLO CE, Matt made a statement during a feedback session that I have heard repeatedly in interviews with prospective Originator Hires. Molly asked Matt to repeat on video.

Southeast Mortgage is the best at promoting Builders and Relators and frankly we increase their sales through social awareness. Other Mortgage Companies talk about Southeast Mortgage in their sales meetings but it comes down to your company having the talent, resources, and commitment to drive sales to their partners and MLOs. Some try to imitate but our four year evolution in capability requires more capital that LLCs or Family owned businesses are willing to pay out of their pocket.

Kathy Gyselinck, Chief Operating Officer & Major Shareholder, discusses The SEM Culture & How We Have Changed The Path For The Future Of Our Employees.

“I have worked with Kathy at two banks and Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc. for 30 years. She shares our passion for fairness and opportunity for all. As one of our largest shareholders, Kathy is an example that belief and dedication to a common goal can fulfill your life’s ambition.” Cal Haupt, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

We have all seen the posts about empowerment and fairness in the workplace.  Southeast Mortgage has shared that belief and made tangible strides towards that relevant outcome since inception.  I believe a picture is worth a thousand words.

2018 Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc. Officer Group
2018 Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc. Officer Group

Since 1993, we have ensured all employees have the opportunity to be a shareholder (owner of Southeast Mortgage) and a path to earn the privilege of being an Officer of our company.

Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc., SEM, is not owned by a Husband and Wife, LLC with a couple of partners, nor a Family.  Our Family is the Families of our Team.  Our 32 Officers provide the leadership at SEM.  They are a talented cross section of America that creates an opportunity for all employees to become our 34th Shareholder (Owner) or an Officer whether they joined our company last year or 25 years ago.  Skill, Belief, and Creating value for our Shareholders is an equal opportunity reality for all our employees. Ambition, Skill, and Belief is the consistent measure of progression and success at SEM.

Other than being paid on your next loan or the salary you earn in operations, is there anything more than words at your current employer?  Your Sales Leader may have an ulterior motive, but you do not share that check.   What is your next step to accomplishing your goals and preparing for retirement?

Our Officers are tasked with executing the strategy for our Owners (Shareholders).  If you want real equal opportunity and want to join a great group of talented passionate leaders.  This is it.

Imitation Reinforces Southeast Mortgage is EffectiveI truly get excited when competitors copy or mock what we do.  We have always chased the horizon with a mindful eye on sustainability and benefit to our Shareholders.  Every day we find a new island as we voyage forward using innovative and effective tools.

SEM Innovations & Difference:
> 20001- Internal Appraisal Management
> CRM – Image based highly customized art that creates new applications for MLOs at no charge.  Also, capable of targeting market opportunity daily.
> Social Based relationship development (Social MAX Offices)
> Employee Stock Ownership Programs (Not an ESOP! ESOPs cash out an existing Owner)
> Media Studio in house with Partner Image services
> Video based awareness media with proprietary outreach programs
> Powerful Social Media Presence – Simply Drives Traffic & Sales to our Partners
> Life / Work Balance Corporate Center
> Best in Class Builder / Realtor support proven to increase Partner Sales
> Employees that Retire comfortably – who retired from your company?

Lately I have seen videos with our Green Screen Studio, Better Camera Work than the Selfie from a car, Professional Editing, Southeast signage, Announcing a CRM (SEM started its CRM in 2003), Mobile Applications, etc.  Imitation is Flattery.

The problem with Imitation is you have to be able to execute the cool stuff into a monetization strategy.  Its similar to those announcing the next new loan program that they may close one this year.  Its better for your Employees and Owners to focus on better delivery of the 99% of the products you actually sell.

One person alone cannot and has never achieved more than a village with belief and passion to be the best

Imitation reinforces our leadership in innovation and ability to disrupt the status quo.  As long as I can remember, the Mortgage Industry in Georgia has been primarily non-risk taking followers that tend to only do what the pack is doing.  The 2008-2009 Implode List filled up quickly due to this herd mentality.

I have found this is a dynamic industry.  You have to steer daily and innovate monthly to stay fresh and relevant.  If you do it well, MLOs, Partners, and Clients all benefit.  The scenery is always better from the front of the pack.

You have to work with those that have attained the success you want.  Look at your manager’s lifestyle?  Have they attained the success you strive for?  Are they moving from company to company?  If not, how can they show you the way if they can’t find sustainable success?  Since 1993, Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc.  25 years of Innovation and Success.

The front of the pack is a better view!  Make your move !

If your company is always talking about Southeast Mortgage, come visit us and learn why.  If your “LLC or Family Owned Company” is not prepared to share ownership or equity, there is a path to ownership at SEM.


Imitation May Be The Sincerest Form of Flattery but It's Not A Good Business Plan
Imitation May Be The Sincerest Form of Flattery but It’s Not A Good Business Plan

This one is vary rare. Probably 15 people have heard how the Club Drive Corporate site was found and developed. Also I explain the decision to relocate to our newest 30,000 sqft Corporate Facility in Duluth is not what most people think. When they get me talking about something I am passionate about, I never hold back.

Our Partners and Clients want Great Service, Competent Advice, and Real Added Value. Our Happy, Empowered, and Collaborative TEAM delivers.

25th Anniversary Logo Final-01How does a 25-year Old “Employee / Shareholder Owned Common Stock Corporation”

prosper through Two Recessions with the Highest Average Employee Tenure? Culture, TEAM Spirit, Fairness, Unlimited Skill Based Opportunity.

Knowing you matter, knowing you can make a difference, knowing your family time is important, and knowing you are on a team that you can own is a powerful formula for longevity of the TEAM and Empowerment of the American Dream!

Katie is a smart motivated mortgage professional who remained loyal to her prior employer for many years. She only knew one mortgage origination sales group that moved from one out of state parent company to another. We were very fortunate that her friend put Katie in touch with us due to the family sacrifice she had to make at her prior employer. We only needed an hour to learn what a smart, caring, and creative person Katie was. We knew she was a great fit and our Work / Life balance culture was the right thing for her family. I had to share her email to Kathy and the Department Heads. It’s a candid view from inside Southeast Mortgage.

From: Katie Dickens
Date: August 21, 2018 at 9:01:28 PM EDT
To: Kathy Gyselinck, Chief Operating Officer, and SEM Department Heads
Subject: Thank You

I was driving home tonight with a million things in my head and one moment in today popped out at me and it was our time in Kathy’s office today.

I want each of you to know that today is the first time in my career that an incredible group of women were in a room together and sharing a positive purpose and movement towards shared goals.

So often in business and in life women work against each other instead of collaborating and being truly joyful with one another. I know I haven’t been around long but I am so grateful already to be surrounded by like-minded and kind women in business and I just felt led to say that out loud to each of you.

Thank you for welcoming me and making me feel like I’ve been around for a long time and for showing me what a team looks like.


PS…that cake was ridiculously good!!