Our Leaders Don’t Punch a Time Clock.
Our leadership team, maximizes our resources, focuses on our strengths and creates streamlined efficiencies to give our customers and our employees something they’ve never experienced. We have a responsibility to our employees, even after they retire. We want to take care of them because they took care of us.
“One person alone cannot and has never achieved more than a village with belief and passion to be the best.”
Cal Haupt, CEO
Hover Box Element
Hover Box Element
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Happy Employees Lead to Happy Clients.
It’s an awesome responsibility that the leadership team has with the 200 plus employees that we employ and their families. It makes us feel good to see that they are happy and thriving. So much so that our employees’ children and family want to work with us!
We’re All a Team.
Our leaders are always there for us, no matter the time of day. They make the effort to travel to our out of state offices to not only interact with and get to know each employee, but to show their support in helping our sales team grow their business.

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